Why think about welcoming?

When we hear the term welcoming we are often drawn to think of hosting parties or maybe church. To some of us welcoming is second nature. Its like getting out of bed in the morning or making lunch. Its a routine part of our church life. For others it may require a little more effort, or may be thought of as something other people can do. However, welcoming should sit at the front of our minds as we come to church as the family of God.

Here are two reasons why we should think about welcoming. They may be familiar, but profound nonetheless because they define who we are.

Firstly, our God is a welcoming God. God welcomes anyone and everyone who believes in Jesus, and he brings them into His family. So as his children welcoming should be something we are eager to do. Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. (Rom 15:7).

Secondly, as we welcome others, we reflect and preach the gospel to each other. As we show hospitality and speak loving to others we are reminded of the hospitality and love God has shown us through the gospel.

Welcoming is part of our story and who we are. As we welcome others, we reflect our heavenly Father and invite others to partake in the same gospel that God has lovingly given.